Reality Check

Gary and Dee discuss the new level of hate that this Republican administration has brought forth.  Yes, we’ve always had those who would discriminate against others, but now they are emboldened.  What does it say about a presidency when the manufacturer of Tiki torches does a better job distancing themselves from White Supremacists, than the office holder?

On Monday, August 14th, the NY Times Editorial Board called out the president on this issue.  You can read their editorial here:

There are a couple of data bases that we discussed in this episode.

Here is the updated NY Times database of all the people that the president has insulted on twitter:

And, here is the database of lies told by the president:

Why do we mention these things?  Because when a person lies, insults, and incites violence, he is not presidential.  He is not a leader.   He doesn’t solve problems, he creates them.

Finally, we include a link to the documentary about the Charlottesville, VA White Supremacist march done by Vice.  This video is about 22 minutes long.  It is NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK.  It is not recommended for young children, either.  There are a lot of language issues and hate.  This video is not for everyone.

#Charlottesville #WhiteSupremacists #EndHate #ViceNews

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